MARCH 24, 2016
“Gifted Education Review” Issue #1
We are proud to announce the release of the first issue of The Gifted Education Review. The purpose of The Gifted Education Review is to “bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners.” We hope to accomplish this by selecting the most useful research for practitioners in the field of Gifted and Talented education and presenting it in an easily digestible manner that summarizes the findings and addresses the practical implications in the classroom. In addition, we will include articles with practical advice by practitioners on the frontlines of Gifted and Talented education.
Click on the link to access the first issue: GER Issue #1
The Gifted Education Review is provided to you for free by The Passionate Mind Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit institution dedicated to research, education, and support in the fields of creativity, giftedness and talent, and the arts. Your tax-deductible donations make The Gifted Education Review and other valuable programs possible. Make a contribution and learn more at: http://www.thepassionatemind.org.
